Algorithme carré de diamant

J'essaie d'écrire l'algorithme Diamond-Square en Java pour générer une carte aléatoire mais je n'arrive pas à comprendre l'implémentation...

Toute personne ayant du code Java (ou un autre langage) afin que je puisse vérifier comment la boucle est faite serait grandement appréciée!


demandé sur BalusC 2010-05-03 05:36:38

4 réponses

C'est un algorithme intéressant pour générer des valeurs. Voici une implémentation que j'ai créée sur la base de l'explication donnée à cette page dans les références de l'article wikipedia . Il va créer des "valeurs sphériques" (enveloppées à tous les bords). Il y a des notes dans les commentaires sur la façon de le changer pour générer de nouvelles valeurs sur les bords au lieu d'envelopper (bien que la signification de moyenne pour les bords ne soit pas vraiment correcte dans ces cas).

//size of grid to generate, note this must be a
//value 2^n+1
final int DATA_SIZE = 9;
//an initial seed value for the corners of the data
final double SEED = 1000.0;
double[][] data = new double[DATA_SIZE][DATA_SIZE];
//seed the data
data[0][0] = data[0][DATA_SIZE-1] = data[DATA_SIZE-1][0] = 
  data[DATA_SIZE-1][DATA_SIZE-1] = SEED;

double h = 500.0;//the range (-h -> +h) for the average offset
Random r = new Random();//for the new value in range of h
//side length is distance of a single square side
//or distance of diagonal in diamond
for(int sideLength = DATA_SIZE-1;
    //side length must be >= 2 so we always have
    //a new value (if its 1 we overwrite existing values
    //on the last iteration)
    sideLength >= 2;
    //each iteration we are looking at smaller squares
    //diamonds, and we decrease the variation of the offset
    sideLength /=2, h/= 2.0){
  //half the length of the side of a square
  //or distance from diamond center to one corner
  //(just to make calcs below a little clearer)
  int halfSide = sideLength/2;

  //generate the new square values
  for(int x=0;x<DATA_SIZE-1;x+=sideLength){
    for(int y=0;y<DATA_SIZE-1;y+=sideLength){
      //x, y is upper left corner of square
      //calculate average of existing corners
      double avg = data[x][y] + //top left
      data[x+sideLength][y] +//top right
      data[x][y+sideLength] + //lower left
      data[x+sideLength][y+sideLength];//lower right
      avg /= 4.0;

      //center is average plus random offset
      data[x+halfSide][y+halfSide] = 
    //We calculate random value in range of 2h
    //and then subtract h so the end value is
    //in the range (-h, +h)
    avg + (r.nextDouble()*2*h) - h;

  //generate the diamond values
  //since the diamonds are staggered we only move x
  //by half side
  //NOTE: if the data shouldn't wrap then x < DATA_SIZE
  //to generate the far edge values
  for(int x=0;x<DATA_SIZE-1;x+=halfSide){
    //and y is x offset by half a side, but moved by
    //the full side length
    //NOTE: if the data shouldn't wrap then y < DATA_SIZE
    //to generate the far edge values
    for(int y=(x+halfSide)%sideLength;y<DATA_SIZE-1;y+=sideLength){
      //x, y is center of diamond
      //note we must use mod  and add DATA_SIZE for subtraction 
      //so that we can wrap around the array to find the corners
      double avg = 
        data[(x-halfSide+DATA_SIZE)%DATA_SIZE][y] + //left of center
        data[(x+halfSide)%DATA_SIZE][y] + //right of center
        data[x][(y+halfSide)%DATA_SIZE] + //below center
        data[x][(y-halfSide+DATA_SIZE)%DATA_SIZE]; //above center
      avg /= 4.0;

      //new value = average plus random offset
      //We calculate random value in range of 2h
      //and then subtract h so the end value is
      //in the range (-h, +h)
      avg = avg + (r.nextDouble()*2*h) - h;
      //update value for center of diamond
      data[x][y] = avg;

      //wrap values on the edges, remove
      //this and adjust loop condition above
      //for non-wrapping values.
      if(x == 0)  data[DATA_SIZE-1][y] = avg;
      if(y == 0)  data[x][DATA_SIZE-1] = avg;

//print out the data
for(double[] row : data){
  for(double d : row){
    System.out.printf("%8.3f ", d);
répondu M. Jessup 2010-05-05 12:12:55

La réponse de M. Jessup semble être légèrement sur écoute. Où il avait:

      double avg = 
        data[(x-halfSide+DATA_SIZE)%DATA_SIZE][y] + //left of center
        data[(x+halfSide)%DATA_SIZE][y] + //right of center
        data[x][(y+halfSide)%DATA_SIZE] + //below center
        data[x][(y-halfSide+DATA_SIZE)%DATA_SIZE]; //above center

Il devrait plutôt se lire:

      double avg = 
        data[(x-halfSide+DATA_SIZE-1)%(DATA_SIZE-1)][y] + //left of center
        data[(x+halfSide)%(DATA_SIZE-1)][y] + //right of center
        data[x][(y+halfSide)%(DATA_SIZE-1)] + //below center
        data[x][(y-halfSide+DATA_SIZE-1)%(DATA_SIZE-1)]; //above center

Sinon, il lit à partir des mauvais emplacements (qui peuvent être non initialisés).

répondu Chris Handley 2010-11-26 15:58:51

Pour ceux qui cherchent, voici l'algorithme fourni par M. Jessup enveloppé dans une classe qui prend une graine (pour permettre de reproduire les résultats), une valeur pour n pour spécifier les dimensions (les dimensions sont 2^N + 1), et expose les résultats comme un tableau normalisé de flotteurs. Il a également le correctif pour la deuxième partie de l'algorithme appliqué.

import java.util.Random;

public class DiamondSquare {

public float[][] data;
public int width;
public int height;

public DiamondSquare(long mseed, int n) {
    //size of grid to generate, note this must be a
    //value 2^n+1
    int DATA_SIZE = (1 << n) + 1;
    width = DATA_SIZE;
    height = DATA_SIZE;
    //an initial seed value for the corners of the data
    final float SEED = 1000.0f;
    data = new float[DATA_SIZE][DATA_SIZE];
    //seed the data
    data[0][0] = data[0][DATA_SIZE-1] = data[DATA_SIZE-1][0] = 
            data[DATA_SIZE-1][DATA_SIZE-1] = SEED;

    float valmin = Float.MAX_VALUE;
    float valmax = Float.MIN_VALUE;

    float h = 500.0f;//the range (-h -> +h) for the average offset
    Random r = new Random(mseed);//for the new value in range of h
    //side length is distance of a single square side
    //or distance of diagonal in diamond
    for(int sideLength = DATA_SIZE-1;
            //side length must be >= 2 so we always have
            //a new value (if its 1 we overwrite existing values
            //on the last iteration)
            sideLength >= 2;
            //each iteration we are looking at smaller squares
            //diamonds, and we decrease the variation of the offset
            sideLength /=2, h/= 2.0){
        //half the length of the side of a square
        //or distance from diamond center to one corner
        //(just to make calcs below a little clearer)
        int halfSide = sideLength/2;

        //generate the new square values
        for(int x=0;x<DATA_SIZE-1;x+=sideLength){
            for(int y=0;y<DATA_SIZE-1;y+=sideLength){
                //x, y is upper left corner of square
                //calculate average of existing corners
                float avg = data[x][y] + //top left
                        data[x+sideLength][y] +//top right
                        data[x][y+sideLength] + //lower left
                        data[x+sideLength][y+sideLength];//lower right
                avg /= 4.0;

                //center is average plus random offset
                data[x+halfSide][y+halfSide] = 
                        //We calculate random value in range of 2h
                        //and then subtract h so the end value is
                        //in the range (-h, +h)
                        avg + (r.nextFloat()*2*h) - h;

                valmax = Math.max(valmax, data[x+halfSide][y+halfSide]);
                valmin = Math.min(valmin, data[x+halfSide][y+halfSide]);

        //generate the diamond values
        //since the diamonds are staggered we only move x
        //by half side
        //NOTE: if the data shouldn't wrap then x < DATA_SIZE
        //to generate the far edge values
        for(int x=0;x<DATA_SIZE-1;x+=halfSide){
            //and y is x offset by half a side, but moved by
            //the full side length
            //NOTE: if the data shouldn't wrap then y < DATA_SIZE
            //to generate the far edge values
            for(int y=(x+halfSide)%sideLength;y<DATA_SIZE-1;y+=sideLength){
                //x, y is center of diamond
                //note we must use mod  and add DATA_SIZE for subtraction 
                //so that we can wrap around the array to find the corners
                float avg = 
                        data[(x-halfSide+DATA_SIZE-1)%(DATA_SIZE-1)][y] + //left of center
                        data[(x+halfSide)%(DATA_SIZE-1)][y] + //right of center
                        data[x][(y+halfSide)%(DATA_SIZE-1)] + //below center
                        data[x][(y-halfSide+DATA_SIZE-1)%(DATA_SIZE-1)]; //above center
                avg /= 4.0;

                //new value = average plus random offset
                //We calculate random value in range of 2h
                //and then subtract h so the end value is
                //in the range (-h, +h)
                avg = avg + (r.nextFloat()*2*h) - h;
                //update value for center of diamond
                data[x][y] = avg;

                valmax = Math.max(valmax, avg);
                valmin = Math.min(valmin, avg);

                //wrap values on the edges, remove
                //this and adjust loop condition above
                //for non-wrapping values.
                if(x == 0)  data[DATA_SIZE-1][y] = avg;
                if(y == 0)  data[x][DATA_SIZE-1] = avg;

    for(int i=0; i<width; i++) {
        for(int j=0; j<height; j++) { 
            data[i][j] = (data[i][j] - valmin) / (valmax - valmin); 

répondu Bergasms 2015-11-05 02:47:07
répondu Xavier Ho 2010-05-03 03:48:55